v1.8 (What's new)
Main Changes:
- New customisation Ui and process.
Main Changes:
- Wavecade released on Epic Games store.
- Add particles in direction of player movement velocity.
- Save multiple carnage reports.
- Name game mode: Chaos.
- New mouse cursor.
- Added Deadzone controls setting.
- Better HDR display support.
- Improve loading spinner.
- Improved gameover Ui.
A special thanks to our community who have been very patient with us. We (the Spalato Bros) have put many many hours into this update. See below for a complete rundown.
Main Changes:
Complete overhaul of player ship customization:
"We are still working on this to constantly improve it and we may totally rework it again"
Simplified ship selection process, each ship has tailored particle effects.
Some ships require XP to unlock.
Animated ship colors.
UI overhaul:
Main menu UI updated to be less confusing and easier to navigate with a controller.
In-game UI is more readable and prettier.
New hazard: Black holes.
Random amounts of black holes spawn on screen and suck in blocks. Players that are caught within its bounds for too long will lose a life.
New Mini-boss: the Cadedonian mini-boss:
2-4 mini worms spawn and attempt to hit the player.
New boss: Antheia the Sorceress.
Her specialty is deception, good luck defeating her every 60 waves.
Hall of Fame: (Score Competition on steam only)
We are introducing a score competition, the player with the highest score after each season's conclusion will win a trophy and spot in our hall of fame, as well as a cash prize which will increase based on 10% of Wavecade's steam sales.
During the season, players will be able to see the current highest score which is updated daily.
Reworked Charged Shot:
Charged shot can shoot instantly, but will need to charge automatically when used too often. Charge timings are tweaked.
New Soundtracks:
Song names: Le Nova, Horizon, Antheia’s bite, Antheia’s Might, Hall of Fame.
Ability to skip dialogue.
Crowd sfx plays when losing a life, when the player receives enough points, and when double/triple/quadruple points powerup is active.
Behemoth boss can take splash damage.
Balanced abilities, some last longer, some are shorter.
Removed ‘Armor block’ and ‘Fast track’ game mode, due to lack of popularity.
Powerups now show the next upgrade available.
Multi level point booster (x2, x3, x4) powerups.
Clan wave ships have a stronger variant.
Faster leveling up sequence.
Dynamically scale the main UI as a settings item (50% to 150%).
New block styles.
Show customize player 2 when player 2 is spawned in a local co-op game.
Support for 16:10 displays and HDR screens.
Carnage report screenshot zooming and panning.