Wavecade - Hall Of Fame
Last updated: February 13, 2024
The current prize is: $82 USD.
How to submit a run:
1. Own the game on steam.
2. Record screen with audio.
3. Play the Solo Competitive game mode.
4. Beat highest (Hall of fame) recorded score.
5. Get recording and trim out unnecessary parts (Including non-valid runs).
6. But do not edit the valid run gameplay at all, we will be checking.
7. Upload footage to YouTube.
8. Include data in description: username, score you got, wave number and steam id.
9. Share that link to the Wavecade Discord server in #highscoreruns channel
10. Wait for verification.
11. If all is correct you will be the current leader in the hall of fame section in the main menu.
12. If you have the highest score at the end point of the competition you win!
Terms & Conditions:
The following Terms & Conditions apply to the Hall Of Fame competition in Wavecade. Please read the following requirements when submitting your runs for verification.
Hall of fame is limited to Steam platform only. Runs on other platforms are not applicable.
The Hall Of Fame competition is only applicable to the "Competitive" game mode in Wavecade. Other game modes are not applicable.
Runs must require video proof of the entire run with a publicly sharable and valid URL. It can be a recorded video on YouTube.
Video must be of a decent bit-rate and sample rate where viewers can read the text from the video.
Video must include audio from the game throughout the run. No silent videos or videos with custom soundtrack overlays that completely drown out the sound effects of the game. Mix of both game audio and other music is allowed.
Submitted videos must be approved by Wavecade developers. Please share in the Wavecade Discord server in the #highscoreruns channel.
Winning the hall of fame season wins the cash prize outlined in the hall of fame scene which can be accessed via the main menu. We will be in touch in how we will transfer the prize if you win. You may have to provide basic contact details like name and email address in your submission.
You must be 18 or over to participate in the hall of fame competition. Runs are not valid if the player is not 18 or over and we would not be able to transfer the prize.
Each season ends on the outlined date. Video submissions after the closing date of the season are not valid. You can check the closing date of the season by loading up the hall of fame in the main menu of the game.
Runs in the main game must have the hall of fame leader visible in the main gameplay. If the leader is not visible then the game failed to download the hall of fame data to beat and is invalid until this is resolved.
Discrepancies in the video or evidence of tampering/splicing the video to look like a successful run are disqualified.
The video of the run must show at least the run from the waiting UI displaying the current game mode where the player spawns, up to the "Carnage Report" page that is shown at the end of the run.
Using cheating/trainers/cracks or other tools that can be classified as "tool assisted" automatically disqualifies the run.
Intentional exploits are disqualified. All runs must be in the spirit of a legitimate run and to keep the competition seasons competitive.
Email: spalatobros@gmail.com
Wavecade Discord